Since its initiation 35 years ago, Academia Vocalis has grown to be one of the most important cultural and educational institutions of the Tyrolian summer and provider of vital impulses for the entire region of Lower Tyrol. From official sides the club has been acknowledged as one of the most influential Tyrolian cultural initiatives east of Innsbruck. This is no reason for Academia to bask in praise - instead, it is seen as a cultural obligation for the future. Yet, the club is not out to expand uncontrolled just to incite more attention. Instead, the directive is to concentrate and bundle knowledge and means to meet the highest standards of quality. To this end, Academia channels its initial drive to preserve proven qualities, such as seminars and masterclasses which have shown in the past while at the same time setting new standards which reach beyond regional confines.

Meanwhile, new musical worlds have come into being close by. Almost over two decades ago, the Tyrolian Festspiele were founded in Erl. This has opened up unheard of new possibilities for the Academia Vocalis. As a result of intensive preparation, the officials of Academia were able to build up an artistic collaboration with the Tyrolian Festspiele. This cooperation manifested itself in the seminar and concert programs from 2002 to 2019. This collaboration culminated eight years ago in the implementation of the new children's opera "Max & Moritz", which is not only listed in Wörgl but also in Tyrol's Festspielhaus in Erl.


Academia Vocalis sees itself as a university continuation of training for young artists from all over the world, who like to come back every year, this year for the first time to Kufstein. There are currently between 90 and 150 students - depending on the master class offered - who come from countries such as Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Belgium, but also China, Japan, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Russia, Colombia, Canada - i.e. participants from 17 countries and 4 continents take part in the master classes.

Academia Vocalis is also an economic factor that is reflected in added economic value and indirect profitability during the summers in the Tiroler Unterland region. After all, the Academia has a budget that is spent on master classes, concerts and major projects in the respective region within 6 weeks every year. The accommodation costs alone and the living expenses of the speakers and lecturers as well as the master class participants, who are accommodated and fed in the region at their own expense, are not an insignificant economic factor that enlivens the region of the Tyrolean Unterland over a six-week period and provides economic stimulus. 

The appeal of Academia Vocalis is far greater and stronger beyond the Tyrolean mountains than at home. Strong connections to universities in Europe, Japan, Korea and overseas, which have been built up over 36 years, guarantee the worldwide influx of students to the entire Tyrolean lowlands, who are happy to come and pay for this service thanks to the commitment of international stars and internationally recognized teachers (university professors, deans and elite singers). Hard work is put into the master classes and on completion the students not only receive a certificate of attendance from Academia Vocalis but also a detailed record of the hours they have worked - divided according to type of performance. Only deans (who also teach at Academia) and full university professors are legally allowed to issue these documents - ECTS points - European Credit Points. Students can then submit this document to any university in Europe and receive credit for seminars or proseminars. This is an absolutely unique selling point!

Academia Vocalis sees itself as a continuation of university education for students in the summer and is also stipulated as such in the association's statutes. The Academia is not a festival but a training academy at university level in the summer! The issue of these certificates is proof of this. The concerts and opera performances represent added value for the population.

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